The Girl Who Changed a Semester
As an architect, I have spent close to thirty years carefully observing the world around me and exploring ways architecture can express or enhance those observations. As a teacher of architecture, I have the opportunity to take all those ideas accumulated over time and try them out as projects in the classroom. It's my responsibility as a teacher to be prepared with engaging projects that will educate, enlighten, and inspire my students as they explore the world of architecture. As a result, I have continuously added to my existing catalog of ideas and dutifully prepared each semester with a series of related projects for each class. This process of preparation can be very time-consuming and challenging. There's a lot of ground to cover from coming up with project ideas that work and flow together, to topical research, schedules, individual classroom lessons, etc., so I always try to prepare well ahead of each semester. Last Spring, as I was sifting through my large catal...