
Showing posts from September, 2014

Architecture Student...Meet Mr. Corbusier

One of the interests I developed quickly during my undergraduate studies at Texas A&M was a love of books.  There's something about architects and books.  There's even a book about architects and their books .  One of my favorite free time activities during those first years of school was to visit the central campus library and see what interesting architecture books I could find, check out, and peruse (while trying not to drool on the pages).  One evening, amid the library stacks, I came across Le Corbusier's " Oeuvre Complete "...and it was over.  I was instantly hooked. "Oeuvre Complete" is an 8 volume hardbound set of virtually every project and building completed by the French architect Le Corbusier.  Corbusier is considered one of the masters of International Style Modernism that occurred at the turn of the 20th century.  His work has become a staple of architecture schools worldwide.  Students study his work repeatedly in history clas...